Roche retiree excursions 2022 – a complete success. Around 800 retirees visited on four days in September 2022 two Roche sites in the canton of Zug.
Numerous positive feedbacks indicate that this year’s Roche retiree excursions were a complete success. Spread over two weekends, around 800 retirees visited two Roche sites in the canton of Zug over four days in September 2022: Roche Diagnostics International AG in Rotkreuz and the Roche Forum Buonas in-house training and conference centre in its beautiful location on Lake Zug. Under the coordination of the Roche Employees’ Association, the OC organised the days, supported by around 50 volunteers.

The programme included a visit to the Rotkreuz tower, which may seem rather small by Basel standards, but offers a great view of the site. In his presentation, Andreas Klopp, General Manager of Roche Diagnostics International, provided exciting insights into the world of the Diagnostics Division and the Rotkreuz site. Interesting tours through the production building of Global Operations Instrumentation made it possible to learn more about the complexity of diagnostic systems and their assembly.

In the plenary hall of the Roche Forum Buonas, the Presidiums of AVR Rotkreuz, AVR Basel and PVR welcomed the participants before exciting presentations by either Annette Luther, Secretary to the Board of Directors, or Jürg Erismann, General Manager of the Basel/Kaiseraugst sites. The days were rounded off by Katrin Flury and her team. On the one hand, they presented the Roche Forum Buonas and, on the other hand, worked their magic to prepare an excellent, highly praised lunch, during which the guests were able to reminisce and exchange stories.
RDI Site Communications / AVR