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AVR electronic newsletter:
Official gazette of the Roche Employees’ Association (AVR) for the employees of F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd
Published: Approx. six times annually (every two months)
Dispatch: Approx. 9433 copies to German speakers, approx. 3636 copies to English speakers
Externals can subscribe here:
Roche Employees’ Association (AVR):
AVR and Communications office
Nicole Drexler / Susanne Pommerening
Tel: +41 61 688 64 21
E-mail: basel.avr@roche.com
President Robert Gray
Tel.: +41 61 687 57 79
E-mail: robert.gray.rg1@roche.com
Vice President Justine Frank
Tel.: +41 61 687 55 80
E-mail: justine.frank@roche.com
Treasurer Andreas Winkler
Tel.: +41 61 687 74 35
E-mail: andreas.winkler@roche.com
Grenzacherstr. 124
Bldg 52 Room 613/14
4070 Basel
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