As many of you know, back in December 2023, we launched a survey together with the “Grättimann” campaign to receive feedback from you. We were delighted with the large number of responses. Thank you very much! Your opinion is of great value to us.
The main aim of the survey is to gather your ideas, suggestions and honest feedback on our service to understand what we do well and where we can improve to ensure we fulfill your expectations.
What we learnt: The results of the survey provided us with many important insights.
Among other things, we are delighted to read that you are very satisfied with our support and advice as mentioned and confirmed also in your comments. According to the survey, satisfaction with our services and offers is also high which makes us very happy.
Our takeaways: We also received helpful suggestions on how we can continue to improve.
We have carefully analyzed your comments and recommendations and will use them as a guide to take targeted measures and continuously improve our services.
You have asked us to do more on topics such as reorganization, mobility and wage negotiations. At the same time, many of you also said that they did not know that the AVR is involved in or supports the following topics:
Cross-border commuters, apprentices at Roche or retirement topics
Finally, we would like to thank everyone who took part in our survey. Your feedback helps us to continuously improve. If you have any further suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to your input. Here you will find the link to our mailbox/feedback survey: AVR Mailbox/Feedback Survey
Your AVR Team