Anniversaries are an ideal time to pause for a moment, look back, celebrate and be proud of what has been achieved.
In January, the AVR took the opportunity, as it does every year, to invite AVR members with 25 years of service (117 in total last year) and 40 years of service (14 in total in 2024) to a dinner. The aperitif was used extensively by the 98 jubilarians present to talk about current events in the Roche world and also about the past. In a short speech, the AVR President, Robert Gray, welcomed and thanked those who had been loyal to the company for many years, before moving on to the celebratory dinner.
The 3-course menu was a treat for the taste buds and offered spontaneous opportunities to chat with neighbours, refresh memories and share anecdotes.
Susanne Löffler, AVR Committee Member, and Andreas Winkler, AVR Treasurer, recalled the highlights of 1999 (introduction of the EURO, ‘One more Time’ by Britney Spears…) and 1984 (Ronald Reagan’s second term of office, ‘Thriller’ by Michael Jackson…) in a contribution that brought a smile and nostalgic feelings to many.
The entertaining evening came to a conclusion with a delicious and varied dessert buffet and some final conversations.
The AVR would like to take this opportunity to once again congratulate all those celebrating anniversaries for their many years of commitment and loyalty to the company. In today’s increasingly fast-moving world, such loyalty is not something to be taken for granted and is also a ‘biomarker’ for a healthy corporate culture and therefore an important success factor.
Written by Manfred Mülchi, Site Representative Roche Pharma Switzerland