This article has been machine translated from German.
I meet Ela in Kaiseraugst in Building 257, she wears a black winter dress, looks very elegant and smiles at me from far. I’m already wearing my cycling cloth, so we can get most out of the time, before I have to leave… We were supposed to interview each other, but since we both have an IT background, I suggest to use RocheChat as our interviewe… so all the questions in this dialog came from RocheChat – actually it proposed as well already the answers, but of course we changed them 🙂.
Ela: “Welcome to our exclusive panel discussion! Today we have the pleasure of interviewing both Melinda and myself, Ela, for you. Melinda, let’s get started. Please introduce yourself briefly.”
Melinda: “Thank you, Ela! I’m Melinda. I love bringing new things to life, kicking them off, and bringing people together to make it happen—I’m not very good at finishing them though (laughs), when things run and get in a routine, I feel like starting new things. Ela, could you also introduce yourself briefly?”
Ela: “Sure! I’m Ela, and I love finishing things. I have so many ideas that it’s very difficult for me to start things, so if someone else starts and I finish, it will be fantastic. Look, we will be a GREAT TEAM!”
Melinda: “Ela, let’s start with the burning question of all time: How did you come to join Roche?”
Ela: “Good question, Melinda! I had the pleasure of joining Roche in 2010 during the W7 migration on a temporary assignment. During this time, I fell in love with the incredible Roche culture and made a personal commitment to myself: I am never leaving this company. How about you?”
Melinda: “Ah, that sounds exciting! I have been at Roche since 2009. I started as a student for copying labels—I didn’t even do that for one day but had the chance to get MES training. I loved it so much that I quit my social studies and started studying IT and have never regretted it. Since then, I’ve always had various positions around IT systems within the manufacturing environment.”
Ela: “Melinda, what does a typical workday at Roche start like for you? Do you have a secret favorite spot in the office?”
Melinda: “My day usually starts with changing out of my cycling clothes and grabbing a cup of coffee to get me going. And yes, I have a favorite spot! It’s not about a special room but the people. I sit close to people I like and work with. How about you, Ela?”
Ela: “I start my day with ‘Ela’s time’—a 30-minute routine that includes meditation, journaling, and coffee. Most importantly, I use this time to plan my day and create a list of major tasks. This structured schedule helps me navigate even the craziest days.”
Melinda: “Ela, you’re new to the AVR team. What do you particularly appreciate about this role? Do you have any particularly funny or touching stories you’d like to share?”
Ela: “The AVR team is just great! I really appreciate the diversity of the people and the shared goals. A funny story? It happened during the Oktoberfest party. I had the opportunity to chat with a colleague from Security who, during working hours, always seemed very strict and serious. It was during this event that I got to see his humorous side. Yes, Julio Muinoz, I’m talking about you! What’s your impression so far of the AVR team, Melinda?”
Melinda: “I really appreciate the chance to see more behind the scenes of Roche—and I appreciate the team; always ready to support!”
Ela: “Melinda, aside from Roche, what do you enjoy doing the most when you’re not busy saving the world? What are your hobbies?”
Melinda: “I love to enjoy! Enjoy time with my husband and two kids, enjoy cycling, nature, traveling around with our caravan, and good food! And you, Ela?”
Ela: “I love reading and usually have 2-3 books going at once—one for commuting, one for pre-evening, and one for bedtime. 😄 I also enjoy painting and puzzling. Outside, I tend to my garden, where I grow my own vegetables, and I love hiking.”
Melinda: “Ela, if you were a superhero, what would your superpower be and why?”
Ela: “I would be the ‘Finisher’ right? 😄 However, as a superhero fan, I admire Black Widow from Marvel. She relies on her own skills and strength, rather than having any superhuman abilities. What about you?”
Melinda: “It would have to be time travel through space and time. That way, I could be here one second and somewhere around the world the next!”
Ela: “Now, honestly, what’s the craziest thing that has ever happened to you at work?”
Melinda: “Well, when I was still studying, I was already working part-time for IT. At that time, changes were made on paper. One day I had the honor to update a script, so I copied the code from the Word file but unfortunately not the rows with the conditions, so all scripts were overwritten (laughs)! Luckily, my mentor was quick in solving the problem and production was running again! What was your funniest moment, Ela?”
Ela: “Although I don’t have many funny stories from work, there is one that stands out from the COVID period when we were forced to work from home. Not being a fan of routine, I decided to work from my living room and change my spot at the table every day. This little habit helped me feel as if I were working from a new desk at the office each day!”
Melinda: “Thank you so much for the fantastic conversation, Ela! I look forward to everything that is yet to come and wish you continued success and many humorous and interesting moments – both at work and in your free time.”
Interview conducted by Ela Kiss, Melinda Liederer
(both site representatives in Kaiseraugst) and RocheChatI